What if you didn’t have to think so hard?

I remember thinking, in tenth grade, this is bunk!!

I was suffering from debilitating daily migraines. The nutritionist thought I should try a "whey-free” diet. This was the 90s and who the heck knew what whey was back then, let alone now. I remember going home and feeling very confused and frustrated. She had given me and my parents zero resources on what I COULD eat and what I SHOULD eat. Something switched on in me and I remember thinking, “this is ridiculous!” and my trust in what she was trying to do went way down.

Knowledge is power. Especially when it comes to nutrition. My tenth grade self needed someone to lay out to me what would I should be eating. Yes, good to know what to avoid as well but it can’t stop there.

Foods have nutrients, minerals, vitamins that our body needs to work optimally. Instead of focusing on what NOT to eat, what if we focused on all the nourishing things we GET TO eat?

Every good practitioner starts with foundations - nutrition, sleep, stress, movement, etc. When you have those dialed in, your body is able to work it’s magic. To recalibrate back to what it’s meant to do. It’s incredibly smart and wants us to be thriving!

What would life look like if you learned exactly what would really nourish your unique body? And you didn’t have to think so hard about what you should be doing. You could just do it?

xo Amy


Migraines and blood sugar